
How to Fix Java Install or Update did not Complete – Error Code 1603?

Sometimes, users are facing issues or errors while installing or updating Java applications on Windows systems. And the one most common error which most users are experiencing is known as Error Code 1603. Generally, there are two ways of installing Java; you can either download Java via:

  • Online
  • Offline

At times, to install the Java in your computers, users may have to disable the firewall because it might interrupt the Java online installation. If you are facing the same error then this guide will help you in fixing this error. Read the following instruction to solve this error.


Steps to Fix Java Install and Update did not Complete – Error Code 1603

Before starting the process, we let you know that if you are using Windows system, then confirm it once that you check it that there is insufficient disk space available in your system for Java installation. For the time of Java installation, be sure that you meet all the hardware requirements and also use any popular browser for the installation. So here we help you in fixing the error code 1603. The solutions are discussed below:

Method-1: Restart System before Installing New Java Package

While installing the Java on your system if you meet with an error 1603 error, then we suggest you restart your computer system and try to install the Java via Offline download. Follow the steps to fix this 1603 error.

Click to ‘Restart’ the computer system.

Next, download and install the Java offline installer package from the Java Official Website.

Now, a prompt box will appear on your screen, select ‘Save in’ option and save this package in the preferred folder.

Go to the saved option, downloaded package in the system and then double-click on the file to start the installation process.

Method-2: Uninstall the Old Java Versions before Installing any New Java Package

For this, follow the steps in the given series.

  1. Navigate to Control Panel.
  2. Then, click on the Program and features option.
  3. Next, choose the Java Package and click on the Uninstall tab.
  4. Finally, click on the Restart tab to restart your computer system.
  5. Again, you have to try installing Java package from the Official website.

Jack Tucker is a Microsoft Office expert and has been working in the technical industry from last 10 year. As a technical expert, he has written technical blogs, manuals, white papers, and reviews for many websites such as